Aerodactyl GL

Aerodactyl GL

Set: Rising Rivals

Number: 55/111

Rarity: Common

HP: 80

Types: Fighting


Collect - Damage:

Draw 2 cards.

Primal Breath - Damage: 30

Your opponent can't play any Pokémon from his or her hand to Evolve or to Level-Up the Defending Pokémon during his or her next turn.

Weakness: Lightning ×2

Resistance: Fighting -20

Artist: Suwama Chiaki

Current Market Values


Market $0.55
Low $0.13
Mid $0.5
High $9.07

Reverse Holofoil

Market $4.44
Low $3.96
Mid $5.0
High $52.31
Market values are updated daily based on verified sales data