Alolan Muk

Alolan Muk

Set: Sun & Moon

Number: 58/149

Rarity: Rare Holo

HP: 120

Types: Psychic


Crunch - Damage: 90

Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy from your opponent's Active Pokémon.

Weakness: Psychic ×2

Resistance: N/A

Retreat Cost: 4

Artist: Hitoshi Ariga

While it's unexpectedly quiet and friendly, if it's not fed any trash for a while, it will smash its Trainer's furnishings and eat up the fragments.

Current Market Values


Market $0.73
Low $0.29
Mid $0.61
High $89.0

Reverse Holofoil

Market $0.74
Low $0.33
Mid $0.72
High $3.75
Market values are updated daily based on verified sales data